Sunday, November 26, 2006

a little recap

This, my friends, is what happens when five guys begin discussing life and smoking pipes on the patio after putting a pizza in the oven.

Paul "the scholar" Davis.

My future brothers in law, I meant brother in law...

This is me trying to break into an adjacent apartment to borrow a pan and the use of an oven. NOTE:it is impossible to open deadbolt locks with a credit card, it just ruins your credit card.

Beautiful Paul and the Beautiful Pie.

more to follow.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

life eh?

So Carver and Dan and I aren't exactly what you might call rule followers. Matter of fact, you could probably count all the rules we always follow on one hand. One hand with at least half the fingers blown off of it. We aren't antinomian exactly, we just have a deep understanding of the rules and why they exist and how to follow them to the benefit of all. We don't break rules that hurt other people or even inconvenience other people. Only the ones intended to save us from ourselves. All this is background though. You see Carver was turned in by someone on his floor for a few of the select rules which he had broken. This resulted in a meeting with the Resident Supervisor.

In a meeting such as this one, I would have, because of my passive agressive nature, most likely have not tried to defy anything, but would have played the "it was dumb and wrong, and I'll never do it again" angle. Carver, however, has balls. He very politley and very succinctly explained our philosophy and our logic behind our rulebreaking. The RS never really refuted anything that Carver said, shifting the focus and making vague statements to cover the document's complete lack of logical ground to stand on. He let Carver off with a mild warning for the most part, however the more serious of his crimes waranted a second meeting he said.

So we all speculated for the weeks after this first meeting what the next one could possibly entail. Rumors flew of the meeting including the higher-ups, the powers that be so to speak. We all wondered about probation and things of that nature. Well the meeting was today.

Apparently, they have decided to enlist him to essentiall help rewrite the whole Student Life Guide. I laughed for days.


Friday, November 17, 2006

bad prose and wandering thoughts

The crisp cold has always been a source of awakening for me. Not the frigid biting cold that pierces you through layers of clothing, but the cold that is just cold enough it stimulates your senses, allows you to see your breath and feel like you are a brave adventurer in a stark wilderness. My vision clears, my skin feels the light sting like the first time air touches the skin of a new born baby. I become brisk, my thoughts quick, my steps purposeful. What random things awaken us. What random and wonderful things.

I strive to a be a good poet and I am not. I try to compose prose and it is flat. I think that my thoughts are profound and wonderful until I see them on a page or hear them from my own lips, and then I remember that I am a fool. Perhaps one day I will be able to be a wise fool. It is my ambition.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I think I will simply keep this as my lesser known blog, the one I vent on about things that I don't want everyone in the world to have access to. Every aesthetic bone in my body does cry out against the detestable design of xanga, but more or less everyone I really care about uses them exclusively, so I must resign myself to a dual faced blogging life.

It is quite ridiculous that my first three posts all be about the blog itself. Its like a relationship that is all about the relationship. I promise substance in the future.

Monday, November 06, 2006

So....yeah no.

Okay, so that last post was about as close as I ever got to actually switching from xanga. The truth is it is too much work. But I can still use this account to comment on others' blogs.