Thursday, February 22, 2007

Your Brain is 80% Female, 20% Male

Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!
What Gender Is Your Brain?

Hmm. Not going to pretend thats not a little disturbing.



Sweet and considerate?

Maybe I answered the questions wrong.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The importance of seeing Earnest

Well, in spite the fact that Carver and I had to do an Olympic sprint from the El station to the theater, had to ask someone where it was after scouring the block and a half that surrounded it for ages, had to bang on the door and ring the doorbell multiple times to be allowed in, fork over our life savings, and then had to be snuck in at a subtle moment, the play itself did end up being quite anticlimactic. Fortunately, I kept a photo journal of the events which followed for your viewing pleasure. Unfortunately almost nothing interesting followed, but I took pictures anyway, and here they are:

this is carver.

this is what he looks like when he is angry. kind of scary.

we were waiting for the el train to come and it was cold...

So I took this picture for no reason....

and then we played this game called expression review which I made up on the spot. I named something and he summed up his sentiments on that subject with a single expression.

This is his sentiments about the play we just saw.

This was his sentiment about last friday night.

This was his sentiment regarding David Todd.

This is his sentiment regarding the prospect of Spring Break.

This expression sums up his entire year.

This is a general message to the blogspot audience.

Then we ate this at a cheap Italian place called Go Romas.

Complete with "lemonade" which is just water with a few lemons and some non-soluble large grain sugar.

The end.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


I feel like all of my posts now are just more of the same, so rather than continuing to bore everyone who reads them, particularly everyone who reads them and knows me in person since they recieve a double dose, I thought I would construct a more creative and hopefully more interesting post. Now I just have to figure out what that will be.


I got nothing.
